The Boreal Arrow 

Code BA13052033: Leather-Cased Compass by YEATES and SON DUBLIN, c. 1860

This a rare and nice  leather cased English compass dating back to circa 1860. It was made by YEATES & SON in DUBLIN. It has a gilt case still in excellent condition without dings or dents. It has a porcelain dial in excellent condition and clearly signed by maker's name. It has a quality bar needle with brass jeweled cap. The needle can be locked pushing the button under the loop. To release the button you have to pull the button. The glass crystal is in excellent condition without any chips or scratches. The compass is in excellent working order and finds North easily and precisely. The compass is fitted in a nice brown leather case with lined with dark green velvet and still in excellent condition. No damage. The hook is present and the lid closes and opens as it should. The inner compass measures 44 mm in diameter and  the leather outer case measures 53 mm in diameter. Very nice and quality compass.
